
The Rich-U-All Action Plan

You will get what you put in

The more energy you put into the following exercises, the more abundance you will manifest as a result.

To aid in unlocking this new flow of abundance, we are going to participate in a collective abundance ritual (Rich-U-All) to help you tap into your manifestation powers. This game with the youniverse abundance spell you’re casting is designed as a simple demonstration of how letting currency flow forth from you when it is connected to something as positive and well-intended as this game, ultimately doesn’t cost you anything from the most expanded view point, because it actually unlocks more abundance for allLOVEus. This is how we create more abundance in the world—by aligning with love-centric endeavours, because love is the only resource that isn’t reduced or diluted when given away, rather it expands and creates more of itself by multiplying!

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There are no must-do’s with this Rich-U-All Action Plan. As an infinitely abundant, highly creative creator, feel free to modify any parts of this ritual as you see fit.
There are infinite ways to unlock that which you seek to manifest.

For optimal results, I recommend performing all three of these exercises at least once a day for the next 88 days:

"The Golden Key" thin line icon

I AM infinite abundance
I AM that which I seek

1. Recite Your Mantra

Right when you wake up and right when you go to sleep, or at any point during your day, stop whatever you are doing and emphatically and repeatedly recite this mantra 8 times: “I AM infinite abundance, I AM that which I seek.” If you choose to create the time, do multiple rounds, but always in intervals of 8 (e.g., 16, 24, 36, etc.).

I recommend doing 64 (8 rounds of 8). It is important that you don’t just say the mantra. Focus your attention with the intention to really feel the mantra in your heart, mind and soul as you recite it. In your mind’s eye, imagine yourself already having the forms of abundance you are attracting.

Hold on to that vision, and feel what it would feel like in every cell of your being to already be experiencing the abundance that is your birthright. Feeling is the bridge that energetically leads us to the vibrational pools of abundance, and you want to flood your body with these potent vibrations.

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In your mind’s eye, imagine yourself already having the forms of abundance you are attracting.

Focus on the Key

Order a Golden Key necklace that is made with real gold. Be sure to always wear it so that you can hold and focus on it as a physical symbol of the abundance you’re unlocking while you are reciting your daily mantra. Imagine your key as an “abundance generator” that will imbue and exude the energy of health, wealth, peace, prosperity, and whatever other form(s) of abundance you are calling in.

Retrain Your Brain

Download the free Golden Key wallpaper for your phone and/or tablet device and set it as your lock screen image. Train yourself to recite your mantra every time you unlock your device(s). Most of us unlock our digital devices dozens of times a day. By capitalizing on this frequent action, we are constantly navigating ourselves back into the vibration of abundance. This will help to retrain your brain to remain in this elevated state.

If you didn’t order one or haven’t received your real Golden Key in the mail yet, you can also alchemize any ordinary key into your Golden Key with the power of your imagination and intention. By focusing on a physical symbol or representation of the Golden Key, you further ground in the permission slip to call in more abundance.

Imagine your key as an “abundance generator” that will imbue and exude the energy of health, wealth, peace, prosperity, and whatever other form(s) of abundance you are calling in.

"The Golden Key" thin line icon

View your magical “abundance generator” through the eyes of your excited inner child who is longing to come out and play—the inner child who could have easily and effortlessly jumped into an empty cardboard box, and with their potent imagination transformed it into a spaceship and experienced all of the sensations that allowed them to feel like they were actually whisking through the cosmos.

The truth is your inner child is longing to come out and playfully lead you into your dream-come-true reality. This is their domain, invite them to come out and lead you. Everytime you look at or touch your Golden Key, set the intention to see it as the physical evidence of the expanding abundance stream that has already begun flowing into your life.

"The Golden Key" thin line icon

2. Breathe It All In

When you combine the words “birth” and “death” together, you get “breath”—our sacred connection to Source. We are birthed into the next now moment with each new breath and we experience a mini-death with each exhale. The more you practice connecting to your breath, the greater your connection between your mind, body, and spirit will become.

“By cleansing your connection with Source, dreams that once felt impossible become inevitable.”

—The Golden Key

The rule of three for survival suggests that humans can typically go about three weeks without food, three days without water, and three minutes without air.

Oxygen is the most abundant element on Earth, and the only one that is still completely free to everyone on our planet.

Yet most people tend to breathe very shallow, which is a reflection of their disconnection from abundance.

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At least once a day, practice consciously breathing in the vast abundance of the youniverse.

Take a few moments to intentionally inhale and exhale through your mouth in order to flood every cell of your body with an abundance of oxygen as a symbol of the expanded abundance you are stepping into in your life.

Simply extend your arms directly in front of you, palms facing upwards, ready to receive. On an inhale, retract your arms into your chest, while simultaneously closing your hands to make fists, in a quick pulling action toward your heart.

On an exhale, return your arms to the original position, arms extended in front with palms facing up.

“Allow fulfillment to flow to you and through you!”

—The Golden Key

On each inhale, imagine you’re pulling abundance into your being based on the intentions that you have set. Focus on the inhale and just allow yourself to exhale naturally as you find your rhythm.

Breathe deeply as you close your hands and pull them into your chest, remembering that this abundance of oxygen is a reflection of the abundance you are calling into your life. You can also playfully imagine details of the intentions you have set.

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Perhaps you picture yourself in the house of your dreams, as the healthiest and most peaceful version of yourself, in a highly-fulfilling relationship or career, but always with a healthy sense of detachment to the details knowing that it will manifest as “this or something better” and will always arrive in divine timing.

“You are worthy of whatever you are asking for.”

—The Golden Key


On the last inhale, hold your breath in for as long as you possibly can, while focusing on in-joying the abundance you will most certainly feel tingling and circulating through every cell in your body.

When you can hold no longer, release with a forceful exhale, as you imagine that you are releasing any old limiting beliefs and energy back to the youniverse to be transmuted and alchemized into abundance.

I recommend repeating this cycle at least 3 times, although any amount will give you benefit. You can also combine this exercise with the first one by reciting your mantra silently to yourself while you are pulling in abundance.

As you practice and find a circular rhythm, repeat this process while breathing at a rate that is comfortable for you, and for as long as feels good to you (I recommend 88-second cycles)

"The Golden Key" thin line icon

3. A-Bun-Dance

At least once a day I also encourage you to get up, move your body, and do the a-bun-dance!

Martha Graham said, “Dance is the hidden language of the soul,” and the more you can step into the frequency of joy in the now moment and celebrate all the magnificent glory it entails, as well as the inevitability of more abundance flowing into your life, the quicker it will manifest, because you’re being it to see it!

Like the Native American artist Supaman said, “They say to dance like nobody is watching. I think that implies that we are afraid or ashamed to dance in front of the people. I say dance like everybody is watching. Dance like your children are watching, your ancestors, your family. Dance for those who are hurting, those who can’t dance, those who lost loved ones and those who suffer injustices throughout the world. Let every step be a prayer for humanity! Most of all dance for the Creator, who breathed into your soul so you may celebrate this gift of life!”

So put on your favorite song and do the a-bun-dance and watch how quickly this fun exercise will elevate your vibration. A great example of a song I recommend listening to while doing the a-bun-dance is called “Painting (Masterpiece)” by Lewis Del Mar, because it speaks to our ability as heARTists to paint the life of our dreams!

You are already a raging success just for saying yes to inviting more playfulness into your life by taking the initiative and action to play this game with the youniverse!

As you play, remember to let your inner child lead and be sure to not take any of the exercises too seriously, and feel free to improvise if you would like. There is no definitive right or wrong way to do these exercises. The most important thing is your intention and that you are “feeling it” and having fun.

If you are disciplined and stick with this Rich-U-All Action Plan for at least 88 days I can assure you that you will achieve stellar results, or your karma back guaranteed! I say at least 88 days, because I strongly encourage you to use these exercises indefinitely to continually tap into your powerful abundance manifestation abilities for the rest of your life. Also, be sure to report your inSPIRITional results, so that we can all benefit, enjoy and celebrate in your success.